How to improve soft skills in organization?

Hard skills vs soft skills.

In the world of work, “hard skills” are technical or ad­ministrative procedures related to an organization’s core business. Examples include machine opera­tion, computer protocols, safety standards, financial procedures and sales administration. These skills are typically easy to observe, quantify and measure. They’re also easy to train, because most of the time the skill sets are brand new to the learner and no unlearning is involved.

By contrast, “soft skills” (also called “people skills”) are typically hard to observe, quantify and measure. People skills are needed for everyday life as much as they’re needed for work. They have to do with how people relate to each other: communicating, listening, engaging in dialogue, giving feedback, cooperating as a team member, solving problems, contributing in meetings and resolving conflict. Leaders at all levels rely heavily on people skills, too: setting an example, teambuilding, facilitating meetings, encouraging inno­vation, solving problems, making decisions, planning, delegating, observing, instructing, coaching, encour­aging and motivating.

Obviously, people come to organizations with interper­sonal behavior patterns already thoroughly ingrained, and they weren’t learned in a classroom. Instead, indi­viduals learn how to deal with relationships and other life challenges “on the street” at a very early age. They observe how the people around them do things, they experiment, and they stick with what works for them. So everyone ends up with a unique portfolio of people skills; some behaviors may be effective, but others cause problems. By the time employees get to a train­ing room, they’ve already worked hard for decades to reinforce the way they deal with people.

Like all behavior patterns, interpersonal skills are “hard-wired” in the neuronal pathways of the cere­bral cortex. This means that at some point a behav­ior was repeated often enough that neurons grew dendrites that reached out to other neurons to make the connections needed to make behavior pattern automatic. A myelin sheath coated the cells like elec­tric wire insulation, making the connection extremely efficient. The end result: these ways of behaving now feel natural, easy and comfortable.

The bottom line.

Introducing a new interpersonal skill is extremely difficult, because it means replacing the old skill. The brain may be an information processor, but it doesn’t work like a digital computer. There is no “delete” key for unwanted programs. Behavior patterns are physically established at the brain cell level. Any new pattern, even one that makes sense, even one that is desired and expected, will seem extremely awkward. The only way to replace an old pattern will be to establish a new one that gets better results. If this new pattern proves to be more satisfying than the old pattern, and if there’s an adequate period of reinforcement, there’s a chance that new connec­tions will establish themselves. If the new pathway is a superhighway, it can become the preferred conduit, and over time even a familiar path associated with lots of memories will eventually fall into disuse, just like old Route 66.

Ensuring success.

Without this reinforcement, however, the pathways will not establish themselves, and most people will predictably fall back on the old, comfortable patterns they grew up with. Unfortunately, this disappointing scenario happens more often than not. An organiza­tion invests heavily in a people skills training pro­gram, no plan for reinforcement is in place, and the intervention fails to have the hoped-for result. There is virtually no return on the investment. The money is mostly wasted.

This is why a program of lectures, group exercises and handouts—even a week-long course personally conducted by a world-famous celebrity author—can­not by itself provide enough reinforcement to establish the new pathways needed to change ingrained behav­ior patterns. Without reinforcement, even people who want to change are likely to return to their comfortable patterns, and so dysfunctional behaviors remain the same. If this happens too often, employees may come to feel cynical about people skills programs.

Frequent reinforcement.

What an understanding of the brain teaches us about learning is that the only thing that can create perma­nent behavioral change is frequent reinforcement over the long term. If someone who truly desires to change an interpersonal behavior is supported by a knowledgeable coach’s ongoing encouragement, new patterns can be established. The most useful perspec­tive on people skills training is that it’s an essential first step—a necessary “introduction” to the right way of doing things. After that, ongoing reinforcement of de­sired behaviors has to be there. When a newly trained individual returns to a workplace, he or she needs knowledgeable coworkers to give ongoing feedback, guidance and encouragement.

A proven solution is the top-down approach.

If executives start by working on their own people skills, then they can establish the right expectations and coach their managers. An organization can em­ploy executive coaches to ensure frequent feedback, encouragement and reinforcement. Managers can then coach their supervisors, who can coach their team members. To provide the desired motivation and accountability, it’s a good idea to assess people skills in advance of the training. By far, the easiest, most practical and effective way to do this is 360-degree feedback, which was designed to provide a reasonably objective assessment of skills that are otherwise hard to observe, quantify and measure. Identifying the weak skill areas has two huge bene­fits. For one thing, training programs can be focused on the areas of highest need, making the best use of limited training funds. Second, attendees will have a powerful motivation to change: the weak areas have been spotlighted, and a repeat assessment can be administered in the future to evaluate improvement.

People can learn how to work well together.

With an environment of support, encouragement and reinforcement, an organization can achieve the de­sired return on a considerable investment in people skills training. But executives really have to want it to make the right kind of investment. There’s no magic pill—no short cut. It’s like losing weight. If you really want to keep the pounds off, you have to establish new eating and exercise habits. If you want lasting changes in your organization, you have to be willing to pay the price.


Kỹ năng cứng vs kỹ năng mềm.

Trong thế giới của công việc, “kỹ năng cứng” là các quy trình kỹ thuật hoặc quản lý liên quan đến kinh doanh cốt lõi của một tổ chức. Các ví dụ bao gồm hoạt động máy, các giao thức máy tính, tiêu chuẩn an toàn, thủ tục tài chính và quản trị bánhàng. Những kỹ năng này thường dễ dàng để quan sát, định lượng và đo lường. Chúngcũng dễ dàng để đào tạo, bởi vì hầu hết thời gian các bộ kỹ năng mới để người học và dễ dàng được tham gia.
Ngược lại, “kỹ năng mềm” (còn được gọi là ” kỹ năng con người “) thường khó quan sát,định lượng và đo lường. Kỹ năng con người là cần thiết cho cuộc sống hàng ngày càng nhiều khi họ đang cần thiết cho công việc. Họ phải làm thế nào mọi người liên quan với nhau: giao tiếp, lắng nghe, tham gia vào đối thoại, đưa ra phản hồi, hợp tác như là mộtthành viên trong nhóm, giải quyết vấn đề, góp phần trong các cuộc họp và giải quyết xung đột. Lãnh đạo các cấp dựa rất nhiều vào kỹ năng con người như: tạo ví dụ, xây dựng nhóm, tạo điều kiện thuận lợi cho các cuộc họp, khuyến khích, giải quyết vấn đề, ra quyết định, lập kế hoạch, ủy thác, quan sát, hướng dẫn, huấn luyện, tạo động lực và thúc đẩy.

Rõ ràng, những người đến với tổ chức với tư tưởng cá nhân đã hoàn toàn ăn sâu trước đó, và họ không được đến trường. Thay vào đó, cá nhân tìm hiểu làm thế nào để đối phó với các mối quan hệ và những thách thức cuộc sống khác “trên đường phố” ở độ tuổi rất sớm. Họ quan sát những người xung quanh họ làm việc, họ thử nghiệm, và họ gắn bó với những gì làm việc cho họ. Vì vậy, tất cả mọi người chỉ tiếp thu những kĩ năng đơn giản mà không có tính logic, một số hành vi có thể có hiệu quả, nhưng những người khác gây ra vấn đề. Bởi các nhân viên thời gian để đào tạo hết mình phòng, họ đã làm việc chăm chỉ trong nhiều thập kỷ để củng cố cách mà họđối phó với mọi người.

Giống như tất cả các mẫu hành vi, kỹ năng giao tiếp là “sợi cáp rất cứng” trong đường thần kinh của vỏ não . Điều này có nghĩa rằng tại một số điểm các cách cư xử được lặp đi lặp lại thường xuyên, đủ rằng các tế bào thần kinh tăng trưởng tinh thể nhánh cây ra các tế bào thần kinh khác để làm cho các kết nối cần thiết để làm cho hành vi của mô hình tự động. Một vỏ bọc myelin bao phủ tế bào giống như dây cách điện, làmcho kết nối cực kỳ hiệu quả.  Kết quả cuối cùng: các cách hành xử hiện nay cảm thấy tựnhiên, dễ dàng và thoải mái.

Dòng dưới cùng

Giới thiệu một kỹ năng mới giữa các cá nhân là vô cùng khó khăn, bởi vì nó có nghĩa là thay thế các kỹ năng cũ. Não có thể là một bộ xử lý thông tin, nhưng nó không hoạt độngnhư một máy tính kỹ thuật số. Có không “xóa” chìa khóa cho các chương trình không mong muốn. Mô hình hành vi có thể chất được thành lập ở cấp độ tế bào não. Bất kỳ mô hình mới, ngay cả một ý nghĩa, thậm chí là mong muốn và dự kiến, sẽ có vẻ rất lúng túng.Cách duy nhất để thay thế một mô hình cũ sẽ là thiết lập một cái mới có được kết quả tốt hơn. Nếu mô hình này mới chứng minh được đáp ứng hơn so với mô hình cũ, và nếu có một khoảng thời gian đầy đủ cốt thép, có một cơ hội mới để các kết nối  sẽ tự thiết lập.

Nếu con đường mới là một siêu xa lộ, nó có thể trở thành ống dẫn ưu tiên,và theo thời gian thậm chí một con đường quen thuộc gắn liền với nhiều kỷ niệm cuối cùng sẽ rơi bị bỏ đi, giống như đến lộ trình 66

Đảm bảo thành công.

Nếu không có gia cố này, tuy nhiên, những con đường sẽ không tự thành lập, và hầu hết mọi người dự đoán sẽ rơi trở lại với hành động cũ. Thật không may, kịch bản đáng thất vọng này xảy ra thường xuyên hơn. Một tổ chức đầu tư mạnh vào đào tạo kỹ năng mềm , không có kế hoạch để huấn luyện tại chỗ, và sự can thiệp không có kết quả hy vọng. Hầu như không thay đổi được gì, số tiền này chủ yếu là lãng phí.

Đây là lý do tại sao một chương trình của bài giảng, bài tập nhóm và các tờ rơi, thậmchí một khóa học kéo dài một tuần, cá nhân thực hiện bởi một người nổi tiếng nổi tiếng thế giới ,cũng không đủ để thiết lập các con đường mới cần thiết để thay đổi hành vi cũ  . Nếu không có những điều cốt lõi, ngay cả những người muốn thay đổi, vẫn thích quay trở lại mô hình cũ của họ, và vì vậy hành vi vẫn là như cũ. Nếu điều này xảy ra quá thường xuyên, nhân viên có thể đến để cảm thấy hoài nghi về chương trình đào tạo kĩ năng mềm

Thường xuyên củng cố.

Một suy nghĩ hợp lý cho rằng thay đổi hành vi  là thường xuyên tăng cường trong thời gian dài thì mới thay đổi được thói quen. Nếu một người thực sự mong muốn thay đổi một hành vi giữa các cá nhân được hỗ trợ bằng cách khuyến khích bởi một huấn luyện viên có kiến thức, mô hình mới có thể được thành lập. Sự mong đợi lớn nhất trong huấn luyện kĩ năng mềm là ở bước đầu tiên- “giới thiệu” cần thiết để đúng cách làm việc. Sau đó, liên tục tăng cường để hành vi. Khi mới trở về cá nhân được đào tạo một nơi làm việc, anh ta hoặc cô ấy cần những đồng nghiệp có kiến thức để cung cấp cho thông tin phản hồi liên tục, hướng dẫn và khuyến khích.

Một giải pháp đã được chứng minh là cách tiếp cận từ trên xuống. Nếu giám đốc điều hành bắt đầu bằng cách làm việc từ người kỹ năng của họ, sau đó họ có thể thiết lập những kỳ vọng và huấn luyện quản lý của họ. Một tổ chức có thể dùng  giám đốc điều hành để đảm bảo thông tin phản hồi thường xuyên, khuyếnkhích và củng cố. Quản lý sau đó có thể huấn luyện giám sát của họ, những người có thể huấn luyện các thành viên trong nhóm của họ. Để cung cấp động lực và trách nhiệmmong muốn, đó là một ý tưởng tốt để đánh giá kỹ năng con người trước đào tạo. Bởi đến nay, cách đơn giản nhất, thiết thực và hiệu quả nhất để làm điều này là phản hồi 360 độ, được thiết kế để cung cấp một hợp lý mục tiêu đánh giá các kỹ năng mà nếu không khó để quan sát, định lượng và đo lường. Xác định các  kỹ năng yếu kém có hai lợi ích to lớn. Thứ nhất, các chương trìnhđào tạo có thể được tập trung vào các lĩnh vực có nhu cầu cao nhất, làm cho việc sử dụng kinh phí đào tạo có hiệu quả nhất. Thứ hai, người tham dự sẽ có một động lực mạnh mẽ để thay đổi: các khu vực yếu đã được tâm điểm, và một đánh giá lặp lại có thể được quản lýtrong tương lai để đánh giá cải thiện.

Mọi người có thể tìm hiểu làm thế nào để làm việc tốt với nhau.

Với một môi trường khuyến khích, hỗ trợ và củng cố, tổ chức có thể đạt được lợi nhuận mong muốn trên một đầu tư đáng kể trong việc đào tạo kỹ năng con người. Nhưng giám đốc điều hành thực sự có muốn nó để làm cho đúng loại đầu tư. Không có thuốc để đốt cháy giai đoạn . Nó giống như giảm cân. Nếu bạn thực sự muốn tăng cân,bạn phải thiết lập thói quen ăn uống và tập thể dục. Nếu bạn muốn thay đổi lâu dài trong tổ chức của bạn, bạn phải sẵn sàng chi tiền.

Dịch và sưu tầm bởi iziEnglish

Choose a good career in a dynamic market………..have a plan

We are  going to look some decisions that can help you during today’s practically inevitable job transitions. Here’s how one reader put it:

“I’ve had several jobs in the last few years, and I am tired of job searching. Just about the time I settle in my new position, a layoff occurs. Maybe I am in the wrong field. How can I make better career decisions?”

While the question is about making better career decisions — and it’s a common one — there’s an underlying question, too: How do I avoid getting laid off?

In today’s uncertain and competitive job market, just about everyone will experience an unavoidable job change at some point in their career.

A good way to start thinking about your job is to look at who “owns” your career path — you or your employer?

It can be frustrating and tiring to feel as though your career direction is being determined by your current or most recent employer.

If you want to feel in control of your career, and feel you are making better career decisions you first need to develop goals and take control of your career.

One way to take control is to do more research about a company before accepting a position. Take the time to conduct informational interviews and equip yourself with more knowledge before starting a new job. One of the most important elements in making good career decisions is your ability to fit into the organizational culture. Informational interviews can help answer this key question.

Career transitions will happen so you also need a backup plan. How do you do that? First, stay in contact with others in your field. They may be able to give you leads on open positions or companies in expansion mode.

You also can take classes to increase your marketable skills, adding new ones or keeping those you have updated.

Be an active job seeker all the time by keeping abreast of changes in the marketplace and in your industry or field. While you can’t control the ups and downs of the economy or the job market, you can control what knowledge and skills you want to acquire. The intersection of skills, interest and values points to a career that will bring you satisfaction.

Keep in mind that learning how to make good career decisions is important, but it will not prevent job changes from happening. Job change is part of having a career.

Do you have some personal experience with making good career decisions (or bad ones)?

Kim Thompson

2012 – Wishes for new year

I wish you Health…

So you may enjoy each day in comfort.

I wish you the Love of friends and family…
And Peace within your heart.

I wish you the Beauty of nature…
That you may enjoy the work of God.

I wish you Wisdom to choose priorities…
For those things that really matter in life.

I wish you Generousity so you may share…
All good things that come to you.

I wish you Happiness and Joy…
And Blessings for the New Year.

I wish you the best of everything…
That you so well deserve.


Principles for learning English

Principle 1:  All English Language Learners are capable of learning to high

standards if optimal teaching and a supportive environment are provided.

Principle 2: Learning is a process of apprenticeship in which novices become

experts with scaffolding from the teacher or more capable peer.

Principle 3: Language is acquired through social  interactions that are engaging,

meaningful, and purposeful.

Principle 4: Teaching/learning needs to be responsive. Cultural norms and

expectations for effective participation in mainstream social and academic life need

to be explicitly taught to English Learners.

Principle 5: Using language is more than using correct grammar and vocabulary. It

requires cultural knowledge of what is appropriate and  an understanding of


Principle 6: Use of rituals or familiar participation structures is necessary when

concepts of language are novel (new).  Familiar concepts and familiar language

can serve as the vehicle to learn new rituals or ways of participating in

academic events.

Principle 7: Language learning requires conscious effort by the student, and by the

informed support (scaffold) of the teacher.

Principle 8: Students should be encouraged to  engage all of their resources,

including their native language, in the learning of English as a second language.

Principle 9: In instruction, the content must be rich and challenging, the language

must move beyond the sentence level to approximate natural discourse, and the

teaching must be carefully scaffolded.

Principle 10: Academic practices, learning and self-assessment strategies need to

be explicitly taught to English Language learners.

Principle 11: Instruction, curriculum, and assessments are aligned to reflect high

standards and best practices.

Principle 12: All parents can become successful partners in the education of

English learners by continuing to support the development of the first language.

Tips for Working Successfully in a Group

One tree can’t make a hill

Three  trees can make a huge mountain!!!

Like a foot ball team, an individual can not do anything if he can not play well with his team. Not only in football, but also other field, we nee to co-operate with others, and here are some tips for a successful team……..

Meet people properly.
 It all starts with the introduction. Then, exchange contact information, and make sure you know how to pronounce everyone’s names. Exchange phone #s, and find out what hours are acceptable to call during


Find things you have in common. You can almost always find something in common with another person, and starting from that baseline, it’s much easier to then address issues where you have differences. This is why cities like professional sports teams, which are socially galvanizing forces that cut across boundaries of race and wealth. If nothing else, you probably have in common things like the weather.

Make meeting conditions good. Have a large surface to write on, make sure the room is quiet and warm enough, and that there aren’t lots of distractions. Make sure no one is hungry, cold, or tired. Meet over a meal if you can; food softens a meeting. That’s why they “do lunch” in Hollywood.

Let everyone talk. Even if you think what they’re saying is stupid. Cutting someone off is rude, and not worth whatever small time gain you might make. Don’t finish someone’s sentences for him or her; they can do it for themselves. And remember: talking louder or faster doesn’t make your idea any better. Check your egos at the door. When you discuss ideas, immediately label them and write them down. The labels should be descriptive of the idea, not the originator: “the troll bridge story,” not “Jane’s story.”

Praise each other. Find something nice to say, even if it’s a stretch. Even the worst of ideas has a silver lining inside it, if you just look hard enough. Focus on the good, praise it, and then raise any objections or concerns you have about the rest of it.

Put it in writing. Always write down who is responsible for what, by when. Be concrete. Arrange meetings by email, and establish accountability. Never assume that someone’s roommate will deliver a phone message. Also, remember that “politics is when you have more than 2 people” – with that in mind, always CC (carbon copy) any piece of email within the group, or to me, to all members of the group. This rule should never be violated; don’t try to guess what your group mates might or might not want to hear about.

Be open and honest. Talk with your group members if there’s a problem, and talk with me if you think you need help. The whole point of this course is that it’s tough to work across cultures.


If we all go into it knowing that’s an issue, we should be comfortable discussing problems when they arise — after all, that’s what this course is really about. Be forgiving when people make mistakes, but don’t be afraid to raise the issues when they come up.

Avoid conflict at all costs. When stress occurs and tempers flare, take a short break. Clear your heads, apologize, and take another stab at it. Apologize for upsetting your peers, even if you think someone else was primarily at fault; the goal is to work together, not start a legal battle over whose transgressions were worse. It takes two to have an argument, so be the peacemaker.

Phrase alternatives as questions. Instead of “I think we should do A, not B,” try “What if we did A, instead of B?” That allows people to offer comments, rather than defend one choice.

Let’s build our group more and more successful….

The way to remember

Use mnemonic devices to make memorization easier

Mnemonics (the initial “m” is silent) are clues of any kind that help us remember something, usually by helping us associate the information we want to remember with a visual image, a sentence, or a word.

Mnemonic device



Visual image Associate a visual image with a word or name to help you remember them better. Positive, pleasant images that are vivid, colorful, and three-dimensional will be easier to remember. To remember the name Rosa Parks and what she’s known for, picture a woman sitting on a park bench surrounded by roses, waiting as her bus pulls up.
Acrostic (or sentence) Make up a sentence in which the first letter of each word is part of or represents the initial of what you want to remember. The sentence “Every good boy does fine” to memorize the lines of the treble clef, representing the notes E, G, B, D, and F.
Acronym An acronym is a word that is made up by taking the first letters of all the key words or ideas you need to remember and creating a new word out of them. The word “HOMES” to remember the names of the Great Lakes: Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, and Superior.
Rhymes and alliteration Rhymes, alliteration (a repeating sound or syllable), and even jokes are a memorable way to remember more mundane facts and figures. The rhyme “Thirty days hath September, April, June, and November” to remember the months of the year with only 30 days in them.
 Chunking Chunking breaks a long list of numbers or other types of information into smaller, more manageable chunks. Remembering a 10-digit phone number by breaking it down into three sets of numbers: 555-867-5309 (as opposed to5558675309).
Method of loci Imagine placing the items you want to remember along a route you know well or in specific locations in a familiar room or building. For a shopping list, imagine bananas in the entryway to your home, a puddle of milk in the middle of the sofa, eggs going up the stairs, and bread on your bed.

Tips for enhancing your ability to learn and remember

  • Pay attention. You can’t remember something if you never learned it, and you can’t learn something—that is, encode it into your brain—if you don’t pay enough attention to it. It takes about eight seconds of intense focus to process a piece of information into your memory. If you’re easily distracted, pick a quiet place where you won’t be interrupted.
  • Involve as many senses as possible. Try to relate information to colors, textures, smells and tastes. The physical act of rewriting information can help imprint it onto your brain.Even if you’re a visual learner, read out loud what you want to remember. If you can recite it rhythmically, even better.
  • Relate information to what you already know. Connect new data to information you already remember, whether it’s new material that builds on previous knowledge, or something as simple as an address of someone who lives on a street where you already know someone.
  • For more complex material, focus on understanding basic ideas rather than memorizing isolated details. Practice explaining the ideas to someone else in your own words.
  • Rehearse information you’ve already learned. Review what you’ve learned the same day you learn it, and at intervals thereafter. This “spaced rehearsal” is more effective than cramming, especially for retaining what you’ve learned.

How To Compare Your Online and Offline Degree Options

First of all, when comparing and contrasting online versus offline (campus and classroom based college) degree programs, do not automatically accept the stigma online degree programs carry : that an online education isn’t as good as a “traditional” one. This is not necessarily true, especially today .

Traditionalists and those who attended college twenty years ago will insist on one and  only one way to get a university education: at a brick and mortar university. Times have changed since these traditionalists have been in school, though. Online education brings many benefits, the best perhaps being flexibility. Gone are the days where a nine to five job would hamper any opportunity to complete one’s education. Getting a degree from online  allows you to fit school into your schedule, and not the other way around.

Now, the prestige and reputation that offline degree programs carry with them should be considered . Often times, whether it is right or not, an offline, “traditional” education appears better on paper some might say. That is a benefit for offline degree programs , however, as many offline colleges now offer online degree programs as well making it a moot point .

An online degree program can be just as intellectually rigorous , and sometimes may even require more dedication and work than an in the classroom program . Instead of listening to a lecture in person and taking notes , online learners must read the lectures for themselves and then take notes. Depending on the program and institution, online degree programs may require much more individual reading than an offline degree program. However, an offline degree program can provide a more structured learning environment, and provides students a more “hands on” approach to learning, and better access to their instructor for help.
The first thing you should do is evaluate yourself before comparing online and offline programs. How do you learn best? What would best serve your needs? Those are questions you need to ask yourself before you compare online and offline degree programs.

Thành ngữ tiếng Anh

1. Mỗi thời, mỗi cách

Other times, other ways

2. Trèo cao té nặng

The greater you climb, the greater you fall.

3. Dục tốc bất đạt

Haste makes waste.

4. Tay làm hàm nhai

no pains, no gains

5. Phi thương,bất phú

nothing ventures, nothing gains

6. Tham thì thâm

grasp all, lose all.

7. có mới, nới cũ

New one in, old one out.

8. Cuả thiên, trả địa.

Ill-gotten, ill-spent

9. Nói dễ, làm khó.

Easier said than done.

10. Dễ được, dễ mất.

Easy come, easy goes.

11. Túng thế phải tùng quyền

Necessity knows no laws.

12. Cùng tắc biến, biến tắc thông.

When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.

13. Mưu sự tại nhân, thành sự tại thiên

Man propose, god dispose

14. Còn nước, còn tát.

While ther’s life, there’s hope.

15. Thùng rổng thì kêu to.

The empty vessel makes greatest sound.

16. Hoạ vô đon chí.

Misfortunes never comes in singly. He who excuses himself, accuses himself

17. Có tật thì hay giật mình. Tình yêu là mù quáng.

Affections blind reasons. Love is Blind.

18. Cái nết đánh chết cái đẹp.

Beauty dies and fades away but ugly holds its own

19. Yêu nên tốt, ghét nên xấu.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

20. Chết vinh còn hơn sống nhục.

Better die on your feet than live on your knees

21. Có còn hơn không.

Something Better than nothing If you cannot have the best, make the best of what you have

22. Một giọt máu đào hơn ao nước lã.

Blood is thicker than water

23. Lời nói không đi đôi với việc làm.

Do as I say, not as I do

24. Tham thực, cực thân.

Don ‘t bite off more than you can chew

25. Sinh sự, sự sinh.

Don ‘t trouble trouble till trouble trouuubles you

26. Rượu vào, lời ra.

Drunkness reveals what soberness conceallls

27. Tránh voi chẳng xấu mặt nào.

For mad words, deaf ears.

28. Thánh nhân đãi kẻ khù khờ.

Fortune smiles upon fools

29. Trời sinh voi, sinh cỏ.

God never sends mouths but he sends meat

30. Cẩn tắc vô ưu.

Good watch prevents misfortune

31. Hữu xạ tự nhiên hương.

Good wine needs no bush

32. Ăn quả nhớ kẻ trồng cây.

Gratitute is the sign of noble souls

33. Chí lớn thuong gặp nhau,

Great minds think alike

34. đồng thanh tương ứng, đồng khí tương cầu.

Birds of the same feather stick together

35. Đánh chết cái nết hong chừa.(?)

Habit is the second nature

36. Đèn nhà ai nấy sáng.

Half the world know not how the other half lives

37. Cái nết đánh chết cái đẹp.

Handsome is as handsome does

38. Trong Khốn Khó Mới Biết Bạn Tốt.

Hard times show whether a friend is a true friend

39. giận hóa mất khôn.

Hatred is as blind as love

40. Điếc không sợ súng.

He that knows nothing doubts nothing

41. No bụng đói con mắt.

His eyes are bigger than his belly

42. Miệng hùm, gan sứa.

If you cannot bite, never show your teeth

43. Lắm mối tối nằm không.

If you run after two hares, you’ll catch none

44. Đã trót thì phải trét.

If you sell the cow, you will sell her milk too

45. Vạn sự khởi đầu nan.

It is the first step that counts

46. Xem việc biết người.

Judge a man by his work

47. Dĩ hoà vi quý.

Judge not, that ye be not judged

48. Một nụ cười bằng mười thang thuốc bổ.

Laugh and grow fat. Laughter is the best medicine.

49. Cha nào, con nấy.

Like father, like son

50. Xa mặt, cách lòng.

Out of sight, out of mind Long absent, soon forgotten

51. Thắng là vua, thua là giặc.

Losers are always in the wrong

52. Đen tình, đỏ bạc.

Lucky at cards, unlucky in love

53. Ăn miếng trả miếng.

Tit For Tat Measure for measure An Eye For An Eye.

A Tooth For A Tooth.

54. Việc người thì sáng, việc mình thi quang

Men are blind in their own cause

Không vào hang cọp sao bắt được cọp con.

Neck or nothing

55. Trăm nghe không bằng mắt thấy.

Observations is the best teacher

56. Con sâu làm sầu nồi canh.

One drop of poison infects the whole of wine

57. Sai một ly đi một dặm.

One false step leads to another

58. Ở hiền gặp lành.

One good turn deserves another

59. Thời qua đi, cơ hội khó tìm .

Opportunities are hard to seize

60. Ăn theo thuở, ở theo thời.

Other times, other manner

61. Đi với bụt mặc áo cà sa, đi với ma mặc áo giấy.

Pay a man back in the same coin

62. Im lặng tức là đồng ý.

Silence gives consent

63. Chín người, mười ý.

So many men, so many minds

64. Lực bất tòng tâm.

So much to do, so little done.

65. Người thâm trầm kín đáo thường là người có bản lĩnh hơn người.

Still waters run deep

66. Càng đông càng vui.

The more, the merrier

67. Không có lửa sao có khói.

There is no smoke without fire Where ther is smoke, there is fire

68. Đoàn kết thì sống, chia rẽ thì chết.

United we stand, divided we fall

69. Đi một ngày đàng, học một sàng khôn.

Travelling forms a young man

70. Tai vách, mạch rừng.

Walls have ears

71. Bụng làm, dạ chịu.

Two wrongs do not make a right

72. Gieo Gió Gặp Bảo

We reap as we sow

73. Máu chảy, ruột mềm.

When the blood sheds, the heart aches

74. Vắng chủ nhà, gà mọc đuôi tôm.

When the cat is away, the mice will play

75. Dậu đổ, bìm leo.

When the tree is fallen, everyone run to it with his axe

76. Chứng Nào Tật Nấy.

Who drinks, will drink again

77. Suy bụng ta ra bụng người.

A thief knows a thief as a wolf knows a wolf

78. Lòi nói là bạc, im lặng là vàng

Speech is silver, but silence is gold

79. Một giọt máu đào hơn ao nước lã.

Blood is much thicker than water.

80. Chớ để ngày may những gì mình có thể làm hôm nay.

Makes hay while sunshines.

81. Những gì mình mong đợi ít khi nào xảy ra, Những gì mình không mong muốn thì lại cứ đến.

What we anticipate seldom occurs; what we least expect generally happens.

82. Đừng điếm gà trước khi nó nở.

Don’t count your chicken before they hatch.

83. Việc gì làm được hôm nay chớ để ngày mai.

Make hay while the sun shines.

84. Lính già không bao giờ chết. Lính trẻ chết.

Old soldiers never die. Young ones do.

85. Thùng rổng thì kêu to.

The empty vessel makes greatest sound.

86. Tứ cố vô thân, Họa vô đơn chí

Joy may be a wiser. But sorrows sure is free

87. Gậy ông đập lưng ông / ăn miếng trả miếng

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

88. Cơ hội chỉ đến một lần.

Opportunity knocks but once.

89. Cười là liều thuốc tốt nhất

laughter is the best medicine.

90. Trèo cao, té nặng

The higher you clime, the greater yoy fall

91. Đường đi ở miệng

He that has a tongue in his head may find his way anywhere.

92. Đừng đùa với lửa

Fire is a good servant but a bad master.

93. Chết vinh còn hơn sống nhục

Better a glorious death than a shameful life.

94. Cái nết đánh chết cái đẹp

Handsome is as handsome does.

95. Rượu vào, lời ra

Drunkness reveals what soberness conceals.

96. Im lặng tức là đồng ý.

Silence gives consent.

97. Hóa thù thành bạn

Make your enemy your friend.

98. Có qua có lại mới toại lòng nhau.

Scratch my back; I’ll scratch yours.

99. Quyết chiến quyết thắng.

Play to win!

100. Đoàn kết thì sống, chia rẽ thì chết.

United we stand, divided we fall.

101. Cái gì có thể áp dụng cho người này thì cũng có thể áp dụng cho người khác.

Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

102. Cây ngay không sợ chết đứng.

A clean hand wants no washing.

103. Một nụ cười bằng mười thang thuốc bổ.

Laughter is the best medicine.

104. Chưa đỗ ông nghè đã đe hàng tổng.

Catch the bear before you sell his skin

105. Chở củi về rừng.

To carry coals to Newcastle.

106. Ác giả ác báo

Curses (like chickens) come home to roost.

As the call, so the echo.

He that mischief hatches, mischief catches.

107. Đỏ như gấc

As red as beetroot.

108. Chờ mà xem

Wait and see.

109. Càng đông càng vui

The more the merrrier.

110. Cái gì đến sẽ đến

What will be , will be.

111. Sông có khúc, người có lúc

Every day is not saturday.

112. Tay làm hàm nhai, tay quai miệng trễ

No bees, no honey, no work, no money.

113. Cầu được ước thấy

Talk of the devil and he is sure to appear.

114. Muộn còn hơn không

Better late than never.

115. Câm như hến

As dump as oyster.

116. Thừa sống thiếu chết

More dead than alive.

117. Ngủ say như chết

Sleep like alog/ top.

118. Nhập gia tùy tục

When is Rome, do as the Romans do.

119. Ai giàu ba họ, ai khó ba đời

Every dog has his day.

120. Ăn như mỏ khoét

Eat like a horse.

121. Yêu cho roi cho vọt, ghét cho ngọt cho bùi

Spare the rod, and spoil the child.

122. Mưu sự tại nhân, hành sự tại thiên

Man proposes, God disposes.

123. Ai biết chờ người ấy sẽ được

Everything cornes to him who wait.

124. Ăn cắp quen tay, ngủ ngày quen mắt

Once a thief, always a thief.

125. Ăn cháo đá bát

Bite the hand that feeds.

126. Ăn chắc mặc bền

Comfort is better than pride.

127. Gậy ông đập lưng ông

what goes around comes around.

128. Thời gian sẽ trả lời

time will tell.

129. Gần mực thì đen gần đèn thì sang

A man is known by the company he keeps.

130. Lúc khó khăn mới biết bạn hiền

A friend in need in a friend indeed.

131. Tri nhàn tiện nhàn đãi nhàn hà thời nhàn

All happiness is in the mind.

132. Con nhà tông, không giống lông cũng giống cánh

An apple never falls far from the tree.

133. Tiên hạ thủ vi cường

Attack is the best form of defense.

How to master your English language ?

Speak without Fear

The biggest problem most people face in learning a new language is their own fear. They worry that they won’t say things correctly or that they will look stupid so they don’t talk at all.  Don’t do this.  The fastest way to learn anything is to do it – again and again until you get it right.  Like anything, learning English requires practice. Don’t let a little fear stop you from getting what you want.

Use all of your Resources

Even if you study English at a language school it doesn’t mean you can’t learn outside of class.  Using as many different sources, methods and tools as possible, will allow you to learn faster.  There are many different ways you can improve your English, so don’t limit yourself to only one or two.  The internet is a fantastic resource for virtually anything, but for the language learner it’s perfect.

Surround Yourself with English

The absolute best way to learn English is to surround yourself with it.  Take notes in English, put English books around your room, listen to English language radio broadcasts, watch English news, movies and television.  Speak English with your friends whenever you can. The more English material that you have around you, the faster you will learn and the more likely it is that you will begin “thinking in English.” .

Listen to Native Speakers as Much as Possible

There are some good English teachers that have had to learn English as a second language before they could teach it.  However, there are several  reasons why many of the best schools prefer to hire native English speakers. One of the reasons is that native speakers have a natural flow to their speech that students of English should try to imitate.  The closer ESL / EFL students can get to this rhythm or flow, the more convincing and comfortable they will become.

Watch English Films and Television

This is not only a fun way to learn but it is also very effective.  By watching English films (especially those with English subtitles) you can expand your vocabulary and hear the flow of speech from the actors.  If you listen to the news you can also hear different accents.

Listen to English Music

Music can be a very effective method of learning English.  In fact, it is often used as a way of improving comprehension.  The best way to learn though, is to get the lyrics (words) to the songs you are listening to and try to read them as the artist sings.  There are several good internet sites where one can find the words for most songs.This way you can practice your listening and reading at the same time.  And if you like to sing, fine.

Study As Often As Possible!

Only by studying things like grammar and vocabulary and doing exercises, can you really improve your knowledge of any language.

Do Exercises and Take Tests

Many people think that exercises and tests aren’t much fun.  However, by completing exercises and taking tests you can really improve your English. One of the best reasons for doing lots of exercises and tests is that they give you a benchmark to compare your future results with.  Often, it is by comparing your score on a test you took yesterday with one you took a month or six months ago that you realize just how much you have learned.  If you never test yourself, you will never know how much you are progressing.Start now by doing some of the many exercises and tests on this site, and return in a few days to see what you’ve learned. Keep doing this and you really will make some progress with English.

Record Yourself

Nobody likes to hear their own voice on tape but like tests, it is good to compare your tapes from time to time.  You may be so impressed with the progress you are making that you may not mind the sound of your voice as much.

Listen to English

By this, we mean, speak on the phone or listen to radio broadcasts, audiobooks or CDs in English. This is different than watching the television or films because you can’t see the person that is speaking to you.  Many learners of English say that speaking on the phone is one of the most difficult things that they do and the only way to improve is to practice.


Have fun!